
How to Determine if Your Dog is Overweight

Posted by Jesse Tilner on

How to Determine if Your Dog is Overweight

If you have been noticing an increase in your dog's weight, at what point does your dog go from being a slightly chubby pup to an overweight pooch? Are you worried about your dog being overweight and want to figure out ways on how to shed the extra pounds?

In this article, we will be going over signs that can help you determine if your dog is overweight and how to bring them back in shape.

Check Out the Shape of the Body

The simplest and easiest way to find out if your dog is fat is by having a look at the shape of your pet's body. If you observe your dog from the top and it looks oval-shaped, then chances are your dog is fat. On the flip side, if the waist of your dog is defined and has a straight build on the sides, then your pooch is just healthy.

Feel of your Dog's Ribs

According to veterinary experts, the feel of your dog's rib structure can indicate weight issues. If you can feel your dog's ribs on the side without applying too much pressure, then your dog is in tip-top shape. However, if you have to press a little harder to feel the ribs, then there is too much fat around the chest area, indicating that your pup is overweight.

Examine your Dog for Fat Patches

Excessive fat on your dog's body is also a major indicator that your dog is overweight. Some overweight dogs accumulate fat around their legs which makes them waddle every time they walk. Make sure to examine the hips of your dog too. An overweight dog will most likely have fat deposits on top of its hips.

Notice your Dog's Behavior

Overweight dogs are generally less active and playful when they're around people. Most dogs who are overweight spend most of their time lounging on the sofa, they have trouble walking properly, and sometimes they can develop breathing issues when they walk.

Health Issues Related to Being Overweight

We agree, sometimes having a slightly overweight dog can be cute โ€“ especially when you see the way they waddle around and strut their oversized hips. However, if you are not mindful of the quantity of food you give your dog in a day, then they may develop health issues that are related to obesity. These include:

  • Skin problems
  • Diabetes
  • Joint problems
  • Heart problems
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver issues
  • Mobility problems
  • Breathing Problems
  • High blood pressure

To ensure good health and to maintain the optimum weight of your dog, it is recommended that you take them out for a walk once a day, give food as specified by your vet, and monitor the number of times your dog eats in a day.