Reasons Your Dog Stops Eating and What to Do About it

Reasons Your Dog Stops Eating and What to Do About it

A loss of appetite in dogs can be stressful for pet parents as it could be due to several reasons. Find out why your dog may have stopped eating and how you can help your pup regain his diet.

Posted by Jesse Tilner on

Nutritional Requirements in Elderly Dogs

Nutritional Requirements in Elderly Dogs

The nutritional requirements of elderly dogs are different from younger dogs. Read on to find out how to adjust your senior dog’s diet.

Posted by Jesse Tilner on

How to Make Your Dog Lose Weight

How to Make Your Dog Lose Weight

Figure out the warning signs of an overweight dog and what you can do to help your dogs shed the extra pounds.

Posted by Jesse Tilner on

How to Determine if Your Dog is Overweight

How to Determine if Your Dog is Overweight

Wondering if the extra pounds on your dog are healthy or you should start controlling its diet? Read below to find out if your dog is overweight or not.

Posted by Jesse Tilner on

How to Avoid Digestive Problems in Dogs

How to Avoid Digestive Problems in Dogs

If you've been a pet owner for some time, you must have seen your dog have digestive problems like diarrhea and vomiting. Here is how you can prevent digestive problems in dogs.

Posted by Jesse Tilner on

Dogs and Dental Health

Dogs and Dental Health

Good dental health is important for your dog's overall medical health. Find out how you can maintain the upkeep of your dog's dental health.

Posted by Jesse Tilner on